Monday, February 2, 2009

3 week vacation?

I have been out of commission for 3 weeks. I was admitted to Steinbach Hospital on January 15 for a routine gall bladder surgery. I have to say that if it were't for the power of the priesthood I am not to sure if I would have gone ahead with it. However my hometeacher and 2nd councillor in the Bishopric came over the night before and gave me a beautiful blessing. I wasn't nervous when I entered the operating room.
Now I am at home and fully recovered and heading back to work in 2 days. I must say I have loved my time at home. I was able to cook some great meals. I didn't however get to read the book I wanted or do any cross stitching. Both what were on my adjenda.


Romy said...

Sorry to hear that you were out of commission for a while there! But I am glad that you are doing better!

I can't believe that you haven't taken your Cricut out of the box yet! Hahaha! I admire your willpower!

I'd love to have a Cricut party! We'll have to chat sometime to plan!

Yvonne said...

I'm sorry to hear about the surgery but glad you are doing better.

Take care of yourself.


momma street said...

Glad you are doing better! Keep healthy and strong!