Thursday, October 1, 2009

General Conference

General Conference is coming to your town shortly, sounds good doesn't it? When I read this quote it gave me renewed faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
"The Lord has given some marvelous guarantees without any disclaimers. And this is one of them: He will choose the prophet, and He will never let that man lead us astray. Imagine for a moment the impact of that promise. There is at least one place we can turn for pure, unpolluted guidance."
How wonderfully lucky we are to have living Prophets today, not to tell us how to live our lives, but rather to give us guidance, love and direction. Like a parent does. In todays world we are being bombarded with many unplesant things. And to know that we are loved, sons and daughters of a great creator. WOW.
Let me know who's talk inspired you to do better, who lifted you're spirit up. Who gave you the courage to say, this will pass.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

I loved ALL the talks I heard at General Conference. Obviously, Elder Hollands was amazing. I was also very touched by Elder Scott's. And the one who talked about hearts and examining or biopsying our hearts.