Tuesday, September 30, 2008

cloning of ones self? Is it possible?

Do you ever wish there were 2 or more of you? Between trying to take care of hubby's needs, no I mean washing clothes, ironing said clothes, cleaning the house and of course taking care of the little ones in your family. And lastly being a bread winner. Sorry dear, you work too.
This week said hubby is away with his family, who are here visiting from jolly ol England. Plymouth to be exact. So here I am; home alone with 3 delightful dogs to keep me warm at night. You'd think I would have ample time on my hands to do the things I enjoy doing, read the lastest Ensign, winterize the garden before the dreaded snowfall. Which for you southerners happens usually on October 31st. And trying to catch up on some much needed rest before everyone comes back from their mini vacation in Texas.
Well no I haven't had time to enjoy myself. Tuesday- baby shower for the newest addition to our ward, welcome baby Matthew De Guzman! Wednesday- Enrichment night--don't forget to bring your purses ladies. Thursday--Youth activities---Yeah its a joint activity with the young men planning. Friday---- visit with a dear sister Hi Carole Ladd, watch a couple teary movies and stuff our faces!! Saturday-- get ready for Sunday.
Well as you can see my week is full. Anyone know how I can clone 2 of me?


Angela said...

I remember feeling like this. Right now I am enjoying the fact that I don't really know anyone in my ward.

To add links you go into custumized and the there will be a section that says add links. You click on that and then add your link addresses. Easy as pie. I think.

Yvonne said...

When you figure out how to clone yourself let me know ; )