Monday, October 6, 2008

1 week and counting!

I'd like to say that I was a good LDS mother and woman and went to all the conferences this past week, but I'd be lieing. With non-LDS visitors here for 6 weeks the only time I can spend with them is the weekend. Something had to give. Unfortunally it was conference. Thank goodness I can listen to it this week online. Boy can Peter's family shop. They have one week left and then everyone goes back home to England and we get the house to ourselves.
Saturday we went to the Forks, to see a friend of Peter's who was doing a cooking demo using honey and of course shop--- for aborginal jewerly. Then off to my parents house for supper with all the family. Sunday we came back into the city to find suitcases needed to take all the newly aquired stuff, that has been purchased while here. And then off to my youngest sisters house for supper and dirt biking. I never thought I'd be so happy to have Monday come and be back at work, but I am.


Angela said...

Wow, sounds like you are busy, entertaining in-laws for 6 weeks.

Yvonne said...

I'm grateful they put things up on LDS dot org so quickly--makes it so much easier when you miss Conference.