Monday, October 20, 2008

Stake Conference---awesome

What a awesome weekend! Friday I picked Lane up from daycare and had him for the weekend. we spent some quality time together. Saturday after saying goodbye to granddad, Lane and headed out for an adventure. First stop was Fort Whyte Centre to see the geese, for those of you who haven't been, its a large pond/lake for geese and other fowl heading south for the winter. There is an interpretive centre and bison in a field. Alos lots of trails which Lane loved to explore and thus our adventure. After that we went to the cheap cinima to see Kung Foo Panda.
Sunday was Stake Conference, Lane and I arrived early to get a seat in the front. For those with little ones the front is the best, less distractions. Lane started getting sick, which at the time I didn't realize, (bad grandma) and he slept for an hour and half. Conference was inspiring!! 4 speakers --2 talked about their conversion to the Gospel and 1 talked about her friend and how easy it is for us with Prayer to talk to friends about the church and then the Mission President--Brother and Sister Morgan.
Like I said it was great and made me go home and ponder the things that I should be doing, and how we never know who might be watching us. I left wanting to do better.
If during the day we can just mention the Gospel or ask questions of our friends and see where it takes us. Like Brother Morgan said we'd be helping out the missionaries.

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